Verification Process Follow
Once an applicant has completed and submitted their application they will receive an email from the DBS team confirming this. Within this email will also be a list of names and email addresses of their club verifiers who can verify your 3 forms of ID.
The email will also contain a link back to the system to us the 'Find a Verifier' feature to... find a verifier!
It is the applicant’s responsibility to send an email out to these verifiers to see who is available for a face-to-face meeting to get their documents verified. The applicant may, of course, know a verifier, in which case they can go straight to them and ignore the suggestions in the email and the Find A Verifier feature.
The email will also contain an Application Reference Number. The applicant will need to have this handy if they are meeting with a verifier from another club as the verifier will need to use this to search the applicant in the system.
The applicant should ensure they take with them the original copies of all 3 documents they selected when making their application. The verifier will use these to enter the data the system asks them for when carrying out the verification.
Once the documents have been verified, volunteer applications will be dispatched to the DBS for vetting and a certificate issued. For non-volunteer applications, the applicant will receive one final email containing a link to pay for their application, at which point the application will then be dispatched to DBS.
It is important to note that once the applicant has submitted the application they will have 3 months to get their documents verified, unless one of their selected documents expires within that time, in which case the expiry date of that document will be the deadline day for verification.