How do I become an ID verifier? Follow
If you have a valid ECB DBS, wish to become an online ID verifier for your club and have had this approved by your Club Safeguarding Officer (if that is not you), the first step is to contact your County Board. They will put you in touch with your County Primary or Secondary verifier, who will verify who you are and make a decision on whether to nominate you as an online verifier for your club. You will also need to provide the Primary/Secondary with your full name, DOB, email address and club affiliation.
Once they have nominated you, you will receive an email with a link inviting you to register on the DBS system. Follow the simple instructions in the email and on the system to register. Once you have registered, your name will appear on a list of people pending approval in the system. Someone at your County will then approve your registration. At this point, another email will be pushed out to you with another link. Click on this link and you will be directed back to the system to activate your account.
Once you have activated your account you will create a password then login. At this point you will be presented with video tutorials on how to use the system to initiate applications and verify documents. These videos can be found at any time when logged in by clicking on your name in the top right of the system and selecting the option ‘video tutorials’ from the dropdown menu.
You are now an active online verifier and can begin initiating applications and verifying documents.