ID verifier user status descriptions Follow
When someone starts the process to become an ID verifier, they will go through a number of stages within the system. Below is a list of all the stages along with a description of each. You may filter by these stages in the User Status column of the 'System Users Report'.
User details incomplete: The user has been sent an invite to register as an ID verifier/Safeguarding recruiter, but has not yet registered.
Pending Approval: The user has registered as an ID verifier/Safeguarding recruiter and is awaiting approval by the ECB.
ID Verifier on hold: The user has registered as an ID verifier/Safeguarding recruiter and the ECB have placed the registration on hold.
Request Declined: The request to register as an ID verifier/Safeguarding recruiter has been removed.
ID Verifier on hold - DBS requested: The user has registered as an ID verifier/Safeguarding recruiter and the ECB have placed the registration on hold pending a DBS application being completed.
Pending user activation: The user registration has been approved and an activation email has been sent to them, but they have yet to activate their account.
Active: The ID verifier/Safeguarding recruiter is an active user in the system.
Suspended: The ID verifier/Safeguarding recruiter access was suspended as they failed to log successfully after three attempts.
Lockdown: The ID verifier/Safeguarding recruiter access has been locked as they have not logged into the system within a 6 month period.
Removed: The ID verifier/Safeguarding recruiter access to the system has been deactivated.